Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Cheerio Incident






















I decided to make a cheerio necklace with Jack as one of our projects. Lately I have been adding some new activities to our day. Jack and I washed dishes one day. We got out a soapy washing bucket, a plain water bucket and then we dried them. Jack loved the washing and rinsing but the drying and putting away was no fun and with each new dish he got really upset. He has helped me vacuum, sweep and walk the dog. He is not the best at listening to directions, but he is getting better. Well my great idea to make a cheerio necklace did not go so well. He was only interested in eating handfuls of Cheerios from the bowl while I showed him over and over how to make it. Once I was finished making it. He had a blast wearing it and eating from it. This kid is always hungry!!! While he was playing with it Charlie got a hold of it and Jack did not stand a chance. He cried as Charlie ripped it from his hands and took off to devour it. I could not get it away from Charlie for a while. While I was cracking up at Charlie and taking pictures since I thought it was so funny, Jack got a hold of the entire box and dumped them all on to the ground. I took the opportunity to teach Jack again how to sweep. He thought it was hilarious and was laughing hysterically as I chased him around to get the broom back. Lesson didn't go so well. I can't imagine having more kids right now, one hungry boy and a bad dog are enough.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Flat Stanley looses an arm









A few days later Brooke and Avery came over to play. Jack and Avery got a little rough with Stanley and his arm got ripped off. Again we were able to put him back together again. Stanley had a very rough week and was definitely ready to get back to South Dakota. We had quite an adventure with Stanley. My camera broke in the process of documenting his stay and then I used my phone for a few of the pictures. I really want to thank Stanley for making the trip because without his special visit I probably would not have gone out and purchased a new camera. I finally have a new camera!!!! It has been five years since I got my first digital camera from my parents (and then stole their old camera) and I think it was time. I am so excited about it even though I still don't know how to use it well.

Flat Stanley gets decapitated




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We took Stanley out to play with the neighbors and it didn't go so well for him. Everyone was having fun playing on the slide. Then all at once Jack tried to rip Stanley out of our neighbor Alanna's hands and off with his head. Thankfully, we were able to reattach it and Stanley was good as new.

Flat Stanley

















My cousin's daughter Breckyn sent me a flat Stanley (from a book about a boy who gets flattened by his bulletin board and mails himself all over the world) and we have been taking pictures of him with Jack. The first few pictures are of the front of our neighborhood. Then there are some pictures of Stanley and us at Frisco Square. He came with us to Celebration Covenant church. He was very good and did not get kicked out of Wigglesville for acting up. We stopped by to show Stanley the Frisco YMCA which Daniel's father built. We had a lot of fun showing Stanley around town.