Friday, October 5, 2007

The perfect baby

Jack is four weeks old now. I can't believe he is a whole month old now. Jack is such a good baby. We have been on the move this last week and he has been so great. We went to a housewarming party Saturday night and he was so perfect. We were there for hours and he was so good the whole time. We also went to the mall to go shopping and see a movie this last weekend and he sat through the whole movie without a peep. His aunt Rebekah and I took him to the pool for the first time. It was too cold to really get him in but we dipped his feet in a little bit. We have been going out to eat alot too. We went to Kobe steaks tonight and he fussed a couple of times, just a little bit, but calmed himself down. Before we had him Daniel said we would never go out to eat again, because we don't want to be the people with the screaming baby who ruins everyone elses dinner. Evey time we are out I keep expecting him to start screaming and forcing us to bail out of our plans but no, he is so content. I got a little worried Monday and Tuesday nights because he was being fussy and wanted to eat all evening. I know babies can start to have colic around this time, I am just hoping he continues to be the content baby that he is. I take him on walks with Charlie and he loves being in the sling. He really likes all of his gadgets, the swing and the vibrating baby papasan, his bassinet plays music and vibrates also. He crashes out immediately in the car seat. I love watching him explore the world, which consists mostly of looking and mommy and daddy. He is starting to stare and objects that are a little further away now. I am so enjoying every minute of his existence.

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