Saturday, February 2, 2008

Jack got evicted

Jack has been sleeping in his crib for 6 days now!!! He has done so good he is waking up half as often and going to sleep for the night much sooner. I love it. He had been waking up every 2 or so hours since I went back to work, sometimes after one hour he wants to eat again. Since we have put him in the crib and let him cry for a little while he has been able to calm himself down and go back to sleep on his own without a feeding. I got a full 8 hours of sleep the other night. I woke up totally shocked that he did not wake up all night. I ran upstairs to make sure he was still alive. He survived and was still breathing so I went back to sleep. About an hour later I heard a really faint cry and I looked at the baby monitor and the red light was flashing. It was on, but the sound was off. Wow, I felt so awful, what a neglectful Mommy to leave my poor baby alone all night. He forgave me and still give me lots of kisses. He has started to almost roll over. He had just rolled over and was starting to roll back and didn't quite make it in this picture.

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