Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Fall Festival at Celebration Covenant Church

The Fall Festival at our church was a really good time. Our home group had a booth set up for the kids to come and win some candy. Spiderman is our homegroup leader Jacob. Jack had such a blast eating two suckers and part of a twizzler. He loved the baskets full of candy. I was trying to teach him how to pick out only the chocolate candy, but he was not picky at all. He wanted as much as he could carry. At most times throughout the night he had candy in his right hand, candy in his left and candy in his mouth. The Pointer family came out to celebrate and I think the boys had a good time. Jack got a couple of ballons and he is a huge fan of them. After the sugar rush he was walking through the crowds and hitting stragers, so that was our cue to leave.

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