Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The King Tut Exhibit

A few weeks ago we decided to go to the State Fair of Texas and on our way downtown it started raining. We had plans for the rest of the week, so that was the only time we could go and that was the last week it was going on. We decided to make the best of our trip downtown and go to the Dallas Museum of Art to see the King Tut Exhibit. It was an interesting experience to try and make it work with a 13 month old who only wanted to walk around and babble as loud as he could. We made it through the exhibit in record time. Once you start walking through there is no way out except to go to the end, no bathroom breaks, no hidden feeding spots. Dan and I enjoyed it, but we really enjoyed the kids play room in the DMA. They had all kinds of books and toys for Jack to play with. It was a weekday, so Dan had to work. We had the room to ourselves so he took two calls sitting on the large foam blocks with Jack and myself having the best time playing. I was really dissapointed about not going to the state fair but it turned out to be such a wonderful day.

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